New Jersey has previously used "The Crossroads of the Revolution" on its license plates. There was never going to be room for this here!
According to the Visit NJ website, "Major Revolutionary War battles were fought [in New Jersey,] and Washington and his main army spent more time in New Jersey than any other place ... it was the Battles of Trenton and Princeton that began to turn the tide for the Continental Army. Until then, British forces had won key fights in New York and had driven the Continentals out of Fort Lee, forcing their retreat all the way into Pennsylvania. After these defeats, morale among the Continental forces was low and deserters were leaving the ranks each day, many signing papers of allegiance with the British. If not for Gen. George Washington's daring crossing of the ice–filled Delaware River on Christmas night in 1776 and the uplifting victories in Trenton and Princeton that soon followed, [his] chances [of keeping] the Army together and rally[ing] the political and public opinion needed to support the effort [were slim]."
Fourteen of New Jersey's 21 counties have been designated as the Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area.
© Haydn Thompson 2021